Back up data
This page documents backups for YugabyteDB’s Cassandra compatible YCQL API.
Schema backup
- Backing up schema for one keyspace
In order to backup the schema for a particular keyspace, run the following command.
$ ycqlsh -e "DESC KEYSPACE <keyspace name>" > schema.cql
- Backing up schema for entire cluster
In order to backup the schema for all tables across all keyspaces, run the following command.
cqlsh -e "DESC SCHEMA" > schema.cql
Data backup
The following command exports all the data from a table in the CSV (comma separated value) format to the output file specified. Each row in the table is written to a separate line in the file with the various column values separated by the delimiter.
- Backing up all columns of the table
All columns of the table are exported by default.
cqlsh -e "COPY <keyspace>.<table> TO 'data.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE;"
- Backing up select columns of the table
In order to back up selected columns of the table, specify the column names in a list.
cqlsh -e "COPY <keyspace>.<table> (<column 1 name>, <column 2 name>, ...) TO 'data.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE;"
- Connecting to a remote host and port
The default host is
and the default port is 9042
. You can override these values as shown below.
cqlsh -e <command> <host> [<port>]
- Copy options
The syntax to specify options in the COPY TO
command is shown below.
COPY table_name [( column_list )]
FROM 'file_name'[, 'file2_name', ...] | STDIN
[WITH option = 'value' [AND ...]]
There are a number of useful options in the COPY TO
command used to perform the backup. Some of these are outlined below.
Option | Description |
DELIMITER | Character used to separate fields, default value is , . |
HEADER | Boolean value (true or false ). If true, inserts the column names in the first row of data on exports. Default value is false . |
PAGESIZE | Page size for fetching results. Default value is 1000 . |
PAGETIMEOUT | Page timeout for fetching results. Default value is 10 . |
MAXREQUESTS | Maximum number of requests each worker can process in parallel. Default value is 6 . |
MAXOUTPUTSIZE | Maximum size of the output file, measured in number of lines. When set, the output file is split into segment when the value is exceeded. Use -1 for no maximum. Default value: -1 . |
We are going to use the example shown in the quick start section in order to demonstrate how to create backups.
This section assumes you already have a YugabyteDB cluster. You can install a local cluster on your laptop using these quick start instructions.
Create a table with data
Create a keyspace for the stock ticker app.
ycqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE myapp;
Create the stock ticker table.
ycqlsh> CREATE TABLE myapp.stock_market (
stock_symbol text,
ts text,
current_price float,
PRIMARY KEY (stock_symbol, ts)
Insert some sample data.
ycqlsh> INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('AAPL','2017-10-26 09:00:00',157.41);
INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('AAPL','2017-10-26 10:00:00',157);
INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('FB','2017-10-26 09:00:00',170.63);
INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('FB','2017-10-26 10:00:00',170.1);
INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('GOOG','2017-10-26 09:00:00',972.56);
INSERT INTO myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol,ts,current_price) VALUES ('GOOG','2017-10-26 10:00:00',971.91);
You can query all the 6 rows we inserted by running the following command in ycqlsh
ycqlsh> SELECT * FROM myapp.stock_market;
stock_symbol | ts | current_price
GOOG | 2017-10-26 09:00:00 | 972.56
GOOG | 2017-10-26 10:00:00 | 971.90997
AAPL | 2017-10-26 09:00:00 | 157.41
AAPL | 2017-10-26 10:00:00 | 157
FB | 2017-10-26 09:00:00 | 170.63
FB | 2017-10-26 10:00:00 | 170.10001
(6 rows)
Back up the schema
Run the following in order to backup the schema of the keyspace myapp
$ ycqlsh -e "DESC KEYSPACE myapp" > myapp_schema.cql
The schema of the keyspace myapp
along with the tables in it are saved to the file myapp_schema.cql
$ cat myapp_schema.cql
CREATE KEYSPACE myapp WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} AND durable_writes = true;
CREATE TABLE myapp.stock_market (
stock_symbol text,
ts text,
current_price float,
PRIMARY KEY (stock_symbol, ts)
AND default_time_to_live = 0;
Back up all the columns of the table
Run the following command in order to backup the data in the table myapp.stock_market
$ ycqlsh -e "COPY myapp.stock_market TO 'myapp_data.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE ;"
All columns of the rows in the table myapp.stock_market
are saved to the file myapp_data.csv
$ cat myapp_data.csv
AAPL,2017-10-26 09:00:00,157.41
AAPL,2017-10-26 10:00:00,157
FB,2017-10-26 09:00:00,170.63
FB,2017-10-26 10:00:00,170.10001
GOOG,2017-10-26 09:00:00,972.56
GOOG,2017-10-26 10:00:00,971.90997
Back up some columns of the table
In order to backup a subset of columns, you can specify them in the backup command. In the example below, the stock_symbol
and ts
columns are backed up, while the current_price
column is not.
$ ycqlsh -e "COPY myapp.stock_market (stock_symbol, ts) TO 'myapp_data_partial.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE ;"
The selected columns (stock_symbol
and ts
) of the rows in the table myapp.stock_market
are saved to the file myapp_data_partial.csv
$ cat myapp_data_partial.csv
AAPL,2017-10-26 09:00:00
AAPL,2017-10-26 10:00:00
FB,2017-10-26 09:00:00
FB,2017-10-26 10:00:00
GOOG,2017-10-26 09:00:00
GOOG,2017-10-26 10:00:00